Task 8


To aid my research into the demographics and psychographics, I asked two typical Twentyfour audience members (An 18 & 19 year old, socially conscious male and female) some general questions. However these are commonly 'dig a little deeper questions', meaning they elaborate without question. For example the first member, when asked about her lifestyle she also revealed she is a small, up and coming artist. These answers provide me with general insight on the content that should be included in my magazine. With these answers and further general research into the issues of teenagers, I have compiled a list of what I will include in my magazine.

1) Mental health - Advice, stories of development and healthy coping mechanisms

2) The environment, sustainability & ethical issues - This covers fashion, animals and workers conditions, and how you can help

3) Feature articles based around the views and opinions of teenagers, these will change per issue - e.g. issue 1 is about teenagers and the pandemic, issue 2 is about POC teenagers

4) Politics - Somewhat in-depth current political issues, providing readers a brief comprehension of events such as Brexit, capitalism and socialist movements 

5) Lifestyle - A segment titled 'Am I Normal' in which teenagers can ask anonymously questions via the website about their bodies, lifestyle and surroundings and receive answers from experienced medical staff, men & women's general health, star signs and astrology and film and book reviews

6) 24teach - This covers things that you are not taught in school but are expected to know, e.g how to change a tyre, taxes, student loans, how bills work 

7) Mini news segments - Overviews and summaries of current news, at a level which everyone can comprehend and have a brief understanding of, e.g. BLM, transgender rights, coronavirus updates and worldwide news such as international elections 

Below are the demographics and psychographics of the two individuals interviewed. 


Age 19



Age 18



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